How Do I Know My Muscles Are Growing Female

1. Introduction

Women’s muscle growth is reduced to a large extent due to the difference in hormones between men and women. However, when women try to gain muscle through exercise or other activities, many women are frustrated because they don’t know whether or not they are actually gaining muscle. As a result, many women get discouraged and turn away from fitness. So in this blog post, we will discuss how you can know when you have muscle growth as a woman and provide some tips regarding the importance and growth of muscles.

2. Signs of Gaining Muscle in Women

There are many simple ways to understand your muscle gain. To understand it more easily, we will divide it into three parts:

  1. Physical signs of muscle gain
  2. Physiological signs of muscle gain
  3. Measurable signs of muscle gain

3. Physical Signs of Muscle Gain

3.1 Daily activities get easier

Your daily tasks will be easier for you than before. For example, lifting any heavy object that felt heavy before will feel much lighter when you gain muscle. Plus, you’ll be a little stronger than before and can do the same job in less time. Muscle gain will immediately make you enjoy your work.

3.2 Change in body measurement

You may be exercising to lose fat or gain muscle. Measuring specific parts of your body such as arms, thighs, waist, and legs will tell you if you are actually gaining muscle.

3.3 Weight fluctuation

It works on our preconceived notions. When we determine our weight, if the weight is low, we think that we are gaining muscle. This is not the case. Most of the time, you will see fat loss and muscle growth which will not change much in weight. So, you can understand muscle gain based on your physical structure and weight.

3.4 Increased hunger

Daily exercise will increase your appetite after a while. This is one of the many signs that you can see if you are gaining muscle.

3.5 People notice

After a few days of daily exercise, people around you will notice and they will want to know about your fitness. Then you will understand very easily that your muscle gain is increasing.

3.6 Clothes fit differently

This is a simpler way to understand muscle gain. After gaining muscle, you will notice changes in certain areas when you wear clothes. If there is muscle gain, then the clothes worn on your arms, chest, shoulders, and thighs will feel very fit.

3.7 Your selfies look different

When you take a selfie after exercising every day, if you have gained muscle, you can notice some changes in your selfies. After five weeks of daily exercise, you can see the change in your muscle gain. Mr. Olympia winner Frank Zane used to do the same.

3.8 Muscle soreness

We all notice that when we start a new exercise, our body feels sore afterward. But when we do regular exercise, this pain gradually feels less than our previous pain. This is a sign of muscle gain.

3.9 Increased grip strength

A small sign through which you can notice your muscle gain. Compared to before, you can do any work more easily with your hand grip and you will get more power in hand grip than before.


4. Physiological Signs of Muscle Gain

4.1 Improved metabolism

As a woman, when your muscles are built, your metabolism will increase. You will gain muscle and have more energy than before because muscle tissue burns calories more efficiently at rest than fat tissue.

4.2 Better posture

When you gain muscle, your core and back muscles become much more toned, making your posture stronger than ever before.

4.3 You feel better overall

When you gain muscle, you will feel lighter and mentally stronger. As a result, your regular activities will benefit greatly.

5. Measurable Signs of Muscle Gain

5.1 Underwater weighing (hydrostatic weighing)

This process measures body density by comparing your body weight on land and underwater. It is very accurate for measuring your fat or muscle. However, due to the use of many efficient pieces of equipment, it is almost impossible to use regularly.

5.2 DEXA scan

This procedure uses low-level X-rays to measure the density of your body’s bone, fat, and muscle. It is commonly used medically to assess fracture risk in people over the age of 50. You can also measure muscle through this process, but it is very expensive due to proper equipment and high-quality treatment.

5.3 Skin Caliper test

This is a good method because it allows you to measure the fat or muscle of specific parts of your body separately. It works by measuring the thickness of the skin at different places on the body. It is much more accessible than the tests listed above.


5.4 BIA (Bioelectrical impedance analysis)

A low level of electrical current is sent through your body according to your body structure. The higher the speed of the electric current, the lower the amount of fat in your body.

6. Conclusion

Through the signs given above, you can easily understand whether your muscle is gaining. In fact, it is very important to understand because when you can detect that you are gaining muscle, you will be inspired, and you will maintain your progress. Gaining muscle is very important in our daily life. It improves physical ability, increases strength, changes body measurements, and makes you more hardworking. You know better than I how much change you need in your life as a woman.