How to I start working out at home without equipment?


In today’s world, we value time so much that everything is available indoors now. Why should we put away physical exercise when the world is at our fingertips? So, based on my experience, I want to share the ultimate guide to home workouts. If you don’t use instruments, don’t worry; I will make your journey easy. Use your body weight; that’s the simple trick everyone uses for a workout without equipment. Its advantage is that it can be done at home or anywhere.

Benefits of Home Workouts

What if we could achieve our desired goals without any hassle? This is one of the easiest ways to get fit without hassle. You can save time, money, and other necessary things and stay within your comfort zone.

  • No need for expensive equipment
  • No gym membership is required
  • Transportation is not an issue
  • Muscles improve very quickly with consistency
  • No worries about privacy issues
  • 30-Minute Home Workout Routine
  • We will complete it in 2 steps, taking a 5-minute break. Each workout will be 45 seconds long, with a 15-second rest.

1st Step

  • Jumping Jacks (45 seconds)
  • Butt kicks
  • High knees (45 seconds)
  • Air squats
  • Sumo squats
  • Jump squats
  • Switching lunges
  • Half burpees
  • Side-to-side jump squats
  • Alternating curtsy lunges

2nd Step

  • Shoulder taps
  • Pushups and shoulder taps
  • In and outs
  • High knee taps
  • Plank jacks
  • Cross mountain climbers
  • Prayer crunches
  • Scissor kicks on elbows
  • Commandos
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Plank knees to elbows
  • Russian twists
  • Seated in and outs
  • Side-to-side planks
  • Plank alternating toe taps


  • It would help to focus on some precautions about home workouts to improve your fitness.
  • Maintain consistency with your home workouts.
  • Warm up before starting the workout.
  • Ensure the body is not dehydrated.
  • Take a shower at least 30 minutes after your workout
  • Monitor improvements regularly

Human Touch

“When I was going to the gym alongside work and studies, I often found it impossible to keep up with the schedule. But later, when I started home workouts, I experienced great improvement. Besides saving me time, I don’t have the problem of overcrowded gyms.” A. R. Javed


What benefits will this workout provide?

How much time can this workout take to achieve fitness?